
Kadeem Daley
Kadeem Daley is a licensed Clinical Social Worker and an established clinician in the North York and Greater Toronto Area. Kadeem has been working for over a decade at North York General – Child & Adolescent Ambulatory Health Services and continues to cover the Emergency Department at Scarborough Health Network where he assesses and completes treatment plans for patients presenting with crises from kids to adults in the Scarborough & North York Region. Kadeem takes his deep understanding of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy to manage his patients he works with on a regular basis.

Patient Care, Confidentiality, Specialized Knowledge, Trust and Collaboration.
Patient care is putting you and your family's needs first. It is much more than just making you feel comfortable, feeling heard and supported, it is the sole reason Kadeem has built a strong reputation within health care.
Kadeem adopts a unique approach to gathering information by working collaboratively with all levels of Mental Health Services and School Boards; both publicly and privately, which provides his patients a specialized experience and an informed therapist.
We believe that trust is the core of every therapeutic relationship. It is important that you feel comfortable and you trust the clinician you work with.
Confidentiality in therapy is the ethical principle and legal obligation that ensures the privacy and protection of sensitive information shared by clients during therapeutic sessions. This commitment to confidentiality fosters trust between the client and therapist, creating a safe space for open and honest communication
Kadeem will work collaboratively with you to ensure your identified needs and concerns are addressed. He will be part of your family team to create the best outcomes.
Get Ready to embark on a journey of resilience, empathy and healing
Our Process
15 Minute Phone
We offer a complimentary 15-minute consultation to understand your treatment goals, provide guidance on setting up your online client portal, and send out necessary consent and intake forms.
First Session
During our first session we will review our consent policy, including limits of confidentiality. Review the information you provided on your intake form. We collaborate on a treatment plan that will meet your identified needs/goals.
The objective during the therapeutic process is to engage in self-challenge within sessions, explore unwelcome thoughts, confront intrusive thoughts, and cultivate a more resilient self.